
  • Eustachio Celebrino

    Opera Nova Piacevole La Quale Insegna Di Far Varie Compositioni Odorifere per Far Bella Ciascuna Dona et Etiam Agiontovi Molti Secreti Necessarii Alla Salute Humana ... Intitulata Venusta. Venice: F. di A. Bindoni & M. Pasini, 1526. (on-site access only)

  • Isabella Cortese

    I secreti de la signora Isabella Cortese ne’ quali si contengono cose minerali, medicinali, arteficiose, et alchimiche, et molte de l’arte profumatoria. Venice: Giovanni Bariletti, 1561. (restricted access, a later addition with open access can be found here)

  • Leonardo Fioravanti

    Del compendio de I secreti rationali. Venice: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1564. (open access)

  • Giovanni Marinello

    Gli ornamenti delle donne: tratti dalle scritture d’una reina greca per m. Giovanni Marinello et diuisi in quattro libri. Venice: Francesco de Franceschi, 1562. (open access)

  • Alessio Piemontese

    De’ Secreti del reverendo donno Alessio Piemontese. Venice: Lucio Spineda, 1555. (open access)

  • Caterina Sforza

    ‘Gli Experimenti’. In Caterina Sforza, 3:617–807. Rome: Ermanno Loescher E C, 1893. (open access)


  • George Hartman

    The true preserver and restorer of health being a choice collection of select and experienced remedies for all distempers incident to men, women, and children. London: Printed by T.B., 1685. (open access)

  • Thomas Jeamson

    Artificiall Embellishments, Or Arts Best Directions how to Preserve Beauty or Procure it. Oxford: Printed by William Hall, 1665. (open access)

  • T.K. Doctor in Physick

    The Kitchin-Physician: or, A Guide for Good-Housewives In Maintaining their Families in health. London: Printed for Samuel Lee, 1680. (open access)

  • W.M. and Henrietta Maria?

    The Queens Closet Opened. London: Printed for Nathaniel Brook, 1656. (open access)

  • Sir Hugh Plat

    Delights for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories, with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. London: Printed by Peter Short, 1602. (open access)

  • William Salmon

    Ars chirurgica a compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery in seven books . London: Printed for J. Dawks, 1698. (open access)

  • John Shirley

    The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, The ingenious gentlewoman and servant-maids delightfull companion. London: Printed by W.W. for Nicholas Boddington in Duck-Lane; and Joseph Blare on London-Bridge, 1687. (open access)

  • Hannah Woolley

    A supplement to The queen-like closet, or, A little of everything : presented to all ingenious ladies and gentlewomen. London: Printed by T.R. for Richard Lownds, 1674. (open access)

  • Hannah Woolley

    The Accomplish’d Lady’s Delight in Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, and Cookery. London: B Harris, 1675. (open access)


  • André le Fournier

    La Decoration Dhumaine Nature et Aornement Des Dames. Paris: Jehan Sainct Denys and Jehan Longis au Palays, 1530. (open access)

  • Jean Liébault

    Trois livres de l’embellissement et ornement du corps humain. Lyon: Benoist Rigaud, 1582. (open access)

  • Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus)

    Excellent & Moult Utile Opuscule à Touts Necessaire, Qui Desirent Avoir Cognoissance de Plusieurs Exquises Receptes, Divisé En Deux Parties. Lyon: Antoine Volant, 1555. (open access)

  • Ambroise Paré

    ‘Livre de la faculté & vertu des medicaments simples, ensemble de la composition & usage d’iceux.’ In Les Oeuvres de M. Ambroise Paré conseiller, et premier chirurgien du Roy, 851-905. Paris: Gabriel Buon, 1595. (open access)

  • Pierre Thibaut

    Cours de Chymie. Paris: Thomas Iolly, 1667. (open access)

  • Nicolas Lémery

    Le nouveau recueil de curiositez rares & nouvelles des plus admirables effets de la nature & de l'art. Paris: P. Vander, 1685. (open access)